S028 Creatures

A set of animal and monster effects, this set contains and mix of roars, meows, moving and attack sounds for various creatures. The set includes realistic sounds as well as mythical effects for dungeon style monsters, such as giant slugs or vampires. This set was later superseded, so some effects here may be duplicated in other sets.

65 Sound Effects
BirdsongDawn, CalfMoo, CatMeow1, CatMeow2, CatPurr, CavemanGrunt, ChickenBucks, ChickenSqueal, CowMoo, Crickets, CrocodileRoar, CrowBleat, DogBark, DogBarks, DogsPackLoop, EatCrisp1, EatCrisp2, EatCrunch1, EatCrunch2, EatCrunch3, FishSwim, FleshCrunched, FleshCut, FleshHit1, FleshHit2, FleshHit3, FleshHit4, FleshSlpat, FleshStabbed, FrogsLoop, GasCloudAttack, GasCloudWalk, GiantSlugDeath, GiantSlugSpit, GiantSlugWalk1, GiantSlugWalk2, GoatBleat, GruntRaw1, GruntRaw2, GruntRaw3, GruntRaw4, GruntRaw5, GruntRaw6, HippoGrowl, JellyAttack, JellyDeath, JellyWalk, JungleLoop, LionRoar1, LionRoar2, NightingaleClip, OwlBleat, PigstyLoop, RavenCaw, RedTailedHawk, RubberBreath, SheepBleat, SnakeAttack, SnakeDeath, VampireHiss, VampireSpit, ZombieAttack, ZombieRoar1, ZombieRoar2, ZombieRoar3.

All sounds are supplied as 44,100khz 16-bit wav files.

S028 Creatures
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